Advantages and Disadvantages of Free and Paid Freshdesk & Freshservice Themes



Why does a quality Freshdesk and Freshservice theme matter so much? Way too many people base their trust to companies on the first visual impression. Various studies have proved that more than 95% of users will leave the website if they don’t feel like trusting it from first glance.

Free Freshdesk and Freshservice themes’ advantages

1.    Saving money and obtaining a knowledge base fast is the first advantage. However, it doesn’t mean that there won’t be any expenses in the nearest future. For example, if you decide that something needs to be updated or changed tomorrow, it will cost money.

2.    In case you are not that knowledgeable about your target audience and industry niche yet, this is another reason to choose the option of a free Freshdesk or Freshservice theme. This way, you will have as much time as you like for analysis of your market, including competitors, consumer preferences, profile, etc.

Free Freshdesk and Freshservice themes’ disadvantages

  1. The uniqueness of your business will suffer because there are way too many knowledge bases with the same design all over the web, which are also easily accessible.
  2. You may spoil user experience by long waiting of page loading.
  3. Free of charge themes offer just a standard set of Freshdesk and Freshservice features without any extras.
  4. Due to the low quality of the code, it may be hard to make even the most straightforward changes. As a result, if you decide to brand and customize your Freshdesk or Freshservice support portal, the chances are that twice more time will be required.
  5. Free of charge themes do not have many updates; they might have poor loading speed and look bad on a new browser or particular devices.

Paid Freshdesk and Freshservice themes’ advantages

  1. Simplicity in use is probably the number one advantage of paid Freshdesk and Freshservice themes. You do not need to have any specialized technical knowledge of the code. The templates have a rich range of page layouts, redesign, color options along with formatting components. Furthermore, your tech team will understand the code in minutes and implement even more complex changes easily.
  2. The support team is always there for you, while the developers of free themes may leave you waiting for quite a while. We also recommend trying getting in touch with the developers before installing any templates. The test of their responsiveness may save you a lot of nerves and time in the future.
  3. The clean and high-quality code is a sort of insurance that you will face no negative surprises tomorrow or after tomorrow. Hence, the code which is compatible with all devices, screens, and browsers is a huge advantage.

Paid Freshdesk and Freshservice templates’ disadvantages

  1. The price of Freshdesk and Freshservice themes is high. However, when you get to know what’s in the package, your attitude may change. Frequently, paid Freshdesk and Freshservice themes offer complimentary installation, features, and other bonuses coming along. Also, it’s essential to assess the price for everything in a package to avoid disinformation about 100% free themes that may require additional expenses for every step you make.
  2. Another difficulty is finding a reliable contractor, who works on updates, development of new features and stability of the themes. When choosing a support portal template, consider the experience of the team that stands behind it and case studies. For instance, Freshworks partners have extensive experience, and remarkable proven results delivered year after year.

Who is the winner?

The bottom line is that free and paid Freshdesk and Freshservice themes are suitable for different purposes. Free templates can help if you are unsure how the support portal should look like or if you would like to do some tests with your target audience and market. Hence, a free theme is better as a temporary solution. The disadvantages of using it in the long term are quite evident. Even, from the conservative perspective, if you summarize the expenses over a year for a free Freshdesk or Freshservice theme, you will be surprised that they all together can exceed the price of paid templates.

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